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Mémoire N° 371
Titre Customer Perception of sustainability initiatives in a new business model, a discrete choice model approach
Thématique & formation Climatologie
Summary There’s an increasing awareness of consumers and executives regarding sustainable consumption and production, which is also the topic of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12. In the light of entrepreneurship and innovation how can this momentum be used to leverage resources? Can sustainability be a competitive advantage? The literature review covers main aspects of business valuation, financing, marketing and sustainability, all through the optics of environmental, social and governance (ESG) businesses and entrepreneurship. By creating a new business model, of a global restaurant chain, with a value proposition of sustainable food. This paper evaluates the market, financing, marketing, as well as the customer perception of sustainability initiatives in restaurant, using discrete choice models to understand the consumer choice behavior for restaurant. Though, for restaurant choice, sustainability is not a key decision factor, and there’s a cost increase related to sustainable initiatives. But, it’s an important element for funding, through blended finance, due to increased opportunities in venture capital (e.g. venture capital, impact investing funds).
Volée 2016
Date et heure soutenance 13-11-2019 10:00
Salle soutenance CV003
Collation 92 pages, 27 figures, 5 tableaux
Mot-clés Sustainable entrepreneurship, SDG 12, corporate sustainability, discrete choice models, business models, customer perception, ESG, blended finance
Cote bibliothèque
Stage organisme
Maître de stage
Projet recherche
Terrain d'étude ou d'application Gestion d’entreprise et développement durable, SDG 12
Documents associés fiche analytique
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2023-03-23 12:52:09