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Id 140
Auteur Dominguez Barragan, Lucia
Titre Tsunami risk and accessibility assessment using Geoprocessing
Sous-titre Case Study: Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Résumé La majorité des études sur les tsunamis se concentrent sur la quantification du nombre et du type de personnes exposées dans les zones de danger. Ici, nous proposons une analyse du risque lié au tsunami dans le canton de Genève sur la base d'un scénario déterministe, pour laquelle une boîte à outils en Python dans le logiciel ESRI. Cette boîte à outils comprend quatre modèles: l'évaluation de l’aléa, l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité et du risque, l’estimation d’abris potentiels et l’accessibilité piétonnière aux abris.
Summary Several works on tsunami assessment have been performed since the Indian Ocean Tsunami produced a huge natural disaster in 2004. Most of the works are focused on quantifying the number and categories of people exposed in tsunami-hazard zones and, more recently, there are some studies on evacuation and warning plans to prioritize the effective risk-reduction strategies. However, the knowledge of this phenomenon is still poorly understood and constrained. What is absolutely clear is the imperative requirement of GIS utilities to compile the large amounts of information necessary for tsunami assessment. Only through GIS tools, one can overlay and analyze completely different types of data, from shape files with population statistics to raster layers containing topography and bathymetry. ESRI software provides a robust package of tools to analyze geographical data. However, it is an expensive software and sometimes no easy to manage. Instead, python programming language is quite intuitive, which allows working more quickly and integrating the systems more effectively. Python is an open-source software which runs on Windows, Linux/Unix and Mac OS X and provides the platform to get, overlay and represent results with a convenient legend. Other software could be also used, such as MapInfo or Idrisi. Finally, it is plausible the possibility of “Model Builder” offered by ArcMap to link its system ToolBoxes with Python platform, which allows creating and editing models and scripts very quickly. All these facilities through GIS analysis permitted to construct a Tsunami Assessment ToolBox in ArcMap 10.0 to evaluate deterministic scenarios of tsunami in the Canton of Geneva. This ToolBox includes the evaluation of hazard, vulnerability and risk as well as the pedestrian travel time accessibility to emergency shelters.
Volee 2013
Soutenance 2013-01-28
Sujet Hazard - Vulnerability – Risk Assessment - Evacuation - ArcGIS/ESRI - Python
Url 1 Rapport de stage disponible en 2015
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