Fiche détaillée
Id | 200 |
Auteur | Marinkovic, Robert |
Titre | Improving the measurement of governance in the extractive industry using GIS |
Sous-titre | Sous-titre du rapport |
Résumé | Résumé en français |
Summary | Transparency has emerged as a cross-cutting cure to the resource curse and is hailed as a tool to reduce corruption, improve governance, increase legitimacy and accountability, and empower stakeholders. The proliferation of international transparency initiatives and governance measures attests to the global traction this policy domain has gained but it has also sparked research into the efficiency of transparency measures. The Resource Governance Index (RGI) is a relatively recent transparency policy index; it quantifies governance and transparency in the extractive industry sector through a composite score attributed to each country. Considering the temporal and spatial complexity of the concepts it attempts to measure, is a tool like the RGI methodologically adequate and does it provide an efficient evaluation? After a literature review of governance, transparency, and the resource curse within the context of the extractive industry a critical analysis of the methodology of the RGI is provided followed by recommendations for an improved index. Considering the dynamics of the extractive industry, this paper argues that the RGI could benefit from implementing a spatial component and mapping relevant data in order to cut across scales and highlight the spatial mechanisms in resource governance. GIS tools are being used more and more widely and the extractive industry is no different. However, rather than a consistent concerted global effort, use of GIS is still restricted to case studies and pilot projects. Recognizing that the implementation of GIS into the RGI would be a considerable task this work aims to open up the debate by presenting arguments for the use of GIS and on how this could be achieved. This paper then asks the question of how GIS and mapping could be used to better measure resource governance and improve the scope of the RGI? |
Volee | 2015 |
Soutenance | 2016-01-27 |
Sujet | mots clés, géomatique |
Url 1 | Rapport de stage |
Url 2 | |
Url 3 |