Fiche détaillée
Id | 211 |
Auteur | CAROLINI, Marzia |
Titre | Swiss Data-Cube : the potential for monitoring wet snow cover in Alpine environment using SAR remote sensing C-band images from Sentinel-1 mission. |
Sous-titre | |
Résumé | Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a valuable technology to monitoring the wet snow cover extent in mountain regions. This study focuses on Alpine environment in Europe where seasonal wet snow cover is essential for the hydrology and water management. A Sentinel-1 time series of Ground Range Detected (GRD) radar images generated by the Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) sensor mode have been downloaded from the Copernicus Open Access Hub web site. Data set covers from January 2019 to the end of June 2019; they have been radiometrically terrain corrected (RTC) and manipulated to analyse the gamma coefficient backscatter and detect the melting process of the wet snow cover in the Alps. Results show the seasonal melting process in the study area starting from March, reaching its maximum on May, and continuing in June with an evaporation event. Changes in snow pack are presented through the spatial distribution in the dB images where wet snow cover appears through darker pixels, while the dry snow pack and the bare ground appear with brighter pixels; and through the transformations of the backscatter values in the histograms. An RGB composition has also been presented to show the difference between the chosen periods of the year (i.e. January, April and June). Finally, binary wet snow cover maps have been created to show seasonal changes in water content in the snow pack. The analysis presents the potential for SAR C-band S1A satellite in detecting the wet snow cover in mountain regions. However, improvements can be made by integrating other forms of data to be compared with the SAR remote sensing results in order to provide more accuracy, e.g. other satellites’ data or field work datasets. |
Summary | |
Volee | 2019 |
Soutenance | 2020-01-20 |
Sujet | Radar, SAR, Remote sensing, Wet snow cover, C-band, Sentinel-1 S1A, Environment Monitoring, Alpine envirionment, Satellite |
Url 1 | MĂ©moire de stage disponible sur demande (admincg) |
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