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Id 328
Auteur Sissoko Salif
Titre L'Evaluation d'impact de l'exploitation minière (or) sur l'environnement à I'aide de I'analyse d'images satellitaires dans les communes de Sadiola et Sitakily
Résumé As part of the general structural adjustment plan, Mali has undertaken a lot of researches to explore its subsoil, especially in the mining sector (gold). These researches led to the installation of open pit and underground mines; with negative consequences for local socio-economic development. This study makes it possible to evaluate the impact of mining operations on the environment through remote sensing in order to identify and evaluate the degradation of ecosystems due to anthropique activities related to gold (open pit mine, construction of roads, cultures, buildings ...). To do this, we used geographic information systems (GIS) with remote sensing technics. The different thematic maps presented in this study come from Landsat (Landsat 5 TM, 8 Oli) images and were produced after different colored compositions, vegetation index calculations and supervised classification.
Volee 2017
Soutenance 2018-01-31
Sujet Environnement, Images satellitaires, Mali
 Diffusion interdite