Fiche détaillée
Id | 414 |
Auteur | Mones Jawad |
Titre | Methodologies for estimating carbon stock, fluxes, and human disturbance by utilizing big data sources and geospatial data. |
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Résumé | |
Summary | “Blue carbon” is shorthand for the carbon found in three major coastal and marine ecosystems : Mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes. However, climate change and extreme anthropogenic drivers threaten the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems. To understand these impacts on blue carbon ecosystems, the potential for ecosystems to combat the consequences of those impacts, and to have an overview both in space and time, geospatial and statistical data are use to create a workspace in a workspace in a geographic information system (GIS) and visualized geospatial data related to these impacts on blue carbon ecosystems. |
Volee | 2022 |
Soutenance | 2022-12-19 |
Sujet | Blue carbon, climate change mitigation, carbon sequestration, carbon emission, carbon stock, |
Url 1 | Mémoire de stage disponible sur demande (admincg) |
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